Celebrating 10 Years of Being Cancer-Free
Karen stands tall near a bridge at a local park.
Today marks a very special day for us ladies at Camella’s Kitchen, specifically Karen. In 2010, after returning from vacation, Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer while at a routine appointment. Luckily, due to early screening and detection, she was able to catch her tumor and got it removed way before it had a chance to spread to other parts of her body and metastasize.
Her surgery happened exactly 10 years ago, and we are proud to say that she has been cancer free for a decade! Going through the treatment (with the radiation) was not easy. In fact, it was pretty scary to learn about her diagnosis. But as a mom of a young son and teenage daughter, she had so much to fight for. Family means everything to Karen, and her children are her proudest accomplishments.
Cheers to a Decade!
A decade later, Karen feels so good and she credits it to her faith in God. Karen is absolutely happy to be here, and cherishes every single moment. Being alive, it means so much. Upon receiving her diagnosis, she realized life isn’t guaranteed. Immediately, she wondered about her children. Would they grow up without a mother? Would she be able to see them graduate from high school, or from college? Would she miss other important moments in their life? Karen prayed every day for her cancer to go away. But as faith without works is dead, Karen made sure to listen to her doctors, went to every single appointment, and continued with the course of her cancer medication after the surgery was over. It was a journey years in the making.
And so much has happened in the ten years since. Going through an experience like that, you really learn to cherish the things you hold dear to your heart. Cooking and baking were some of the things that Karen always loved doing. Her mom, Ms. Camella, was often in the kitchen, and Karen learned so much from her, including technique and many traditional Trinidadian recipes. Through Camella’s Kitchen, Karen is able to tap into her passions and carry on that legacy of family. She is wholeheartedly embracing the concept of #BeCamellaSaucy, and is living her sauciest life through entrepreneurship.
Since becoming cancer-free, Karen is even more conscious of how she treats her body. Physical activity is important, and she makes sure to get her steps in! But just as important is what she puts in her body. Karen tries to eat as clean as possible, and her use of spices is an integral part of it. The spices and seasonings that we use at home are the very same spices that you get. It’s not a diluted version, because we believe in the importance of good food and high quality. It’s why we source from local farms and do our best to use wholesome ingredients. Bringing these condiments from our kitchen to yours, it is our hope that you realize the impact that good food has on all aspects of your life.
A Matter of Health
Health is our greatest wealth, and that is why early detection is so important. Karen did not display any symptoms when she went in for a routine mammogram. Her diagnosis came as a shock. Luckily, she kept up with her yearly health screenings, so she was able to nip the cancer in the bud. If you’re not doing so already, it is our hope that you go in for your yearly checkups and do routine screenings – it can literally save your life.
For anyone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, or any other chronic disease, Karen has the following advice to offer:
Find strength, even in the hardest moments – it may be hard at times, but a positive mindset can do so much to get you through
Have a good support system in place – family and friends are so essential to recovery
Follow your doctor’s advice – but also ask as many questions as you need – they are the experts after all
Eat a clean diet and exercise often – it’s so important to treat your body well
Put your trust in God and pray often – faith will carry you through the tough times and deliver you to the other side
Despite all that, Karen recognizes that health does not happen in a bubble. It is her hope that a cure for cancer will be developed in her lifetime. In order for such a breakthrough to be achieved, it is important that organizations focusing on cancer research and development get the funding they need. Consider donating to a breast cancer charity if you have the means to do so.
A Note of Thanks
Karen is thankful to her family and friends for their support, and to the medical team that took care of her during all stages of her journey to be cancer-free. Most of all, Karen thanks God for allowing her to not just survive but also thrive a decade later.
Camella’s Kitchen is run by two ladies from Trinidad and Tobago. Based out of Prince George’s County, Maryland, we’re living our sauciest lives by bringing our bold Caribbean flavors to you! How will you #BeCamellaSaucy? Tell us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube!